Firm: Clayton Bond and Mogridge
Address: 507 Crescent Boulevard SW
Date of final plans: March 1957
Status: standing with additions


Lloyd Moore Harmon (1914–1999) was born in Banff on 15 December 1914 to famed Rocky Mountain photographer Byron Hill Harmon (1876–1942) and Maude Moore (1884–1977). During World War II he served in the Royal Canadian Air Force in both the European and Pacific theatres, reaching the rank of Flying Officer. After the war he returned to Calgary and began working for Dome Exploration (Western), later Dome Petroleum. Harmon retired in 1965 and relocated to West Vancouver, and then in 1972 moved to Sidney. Like his father, Harmon was a photographer.
Patterson married Elizabeth Eva “Beth” Ellwood (1920–2016). He died on 24 December 1999 at age 85 while on a cruise ship.