Firm: J. Cawston and Associates
Address: 226003 Priddis Valley Road W
Date of final plans: April 1964
Status: standing as built
The design of the George L. Crawford House "Bedlam Ridge" was completed in the spring of 1964. It is one of the last projects by Calgary's foremost mid-century architect, Jack Cawston, before his early death in 1966.
The Crawford house is designed in the Shed Style, which was brand new in 1964. The first major project to feature this design was Sea Ranch in California, designed by Charles Moore. Although it originated in the early to mid 1960s, Shed is today associated with the late 1970s. I don't have any proof of this, but I suspect Cawston read in a trade journal about Sea Ranch and wanted to give Shed a try himself. While I can't prove this either, I also suspect that the Crawford House was the first Shed Style building in greater Calgary.


George Lyndon Crawford (1915-2006) was born in Edmonton on 17 July 1915. In 1938 he graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Laws and thereafter began his career with Milner Steer. During World War II Crawford served in the Royal Canadian Navy as a Lieutenant.
After the War Crawford moved to Calgary and went into partnership with Eric L. Harvie and Ted Arnold. Along with his legal work Crawford served on the boards of Selkirk Communications, Canadian Utilities, and the Nature Conservancy of Canada. He was the President of the Calgary Stampede (1972-73), YMCA, Canadian Badminton Association, Alberta Light Horse Association, and the Sir Winston Churchill Society. He was Chairman of Woods Christian Home and Heritage Park, and was a fellow of the Glenbow Museum.
In 1941 George married Sheila _____ (1916-2011) with whom had four daughters: Anne, Sally, Erica, and Eve.