Firm: Clayton Bond and Mogridge
Address: 222 3 Street SW
Date of final plans: May 1961
Status: demolished in 2023
Branch No. 2 of the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans' Club (ANAVETS), not to be confused with the Royal Canadian Legion, was originally located in an old house at 328 4 Avenue. In 1961 the club sold its property to Western Hotels (now Westin) to construct the Calgary Inn at the northeast corner of 4th Avenue and 3rd Street. As part of the deal, Western would build the AN&AF a new $400,000 clubhouse a block away at the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and 3rd Street.
The clubhouse was opened by Henry Frank Jones, secretery to the Minister for Veterans' Affairs, in a ceremony on Thursday, 15 March 1962. It is a modest one-and-a-half storey building. The club closed in 1995 at which time it became an Old Spaghetti Factory.